Thursday, May 12, 2011

My favorite day of the year

Birthday Cake

It's my birthday! Today I am 30. I love celebrating my birthday so I think that always helps with getting older. I don't really feel that old, but I guess that's what all old people say. :)

I'll post more about my bday when I have pictures. Last weekend, Ben worked very secretly with Brandi (best friend from Indy), and Daniel Castro (best friend from Austin's husband) to throw Katie and I a surprise 30th birthday party in Indy. It was awesome, and I'll post more about it as soon as I get some pictures uploaded.

Tonight we're eating at the Lazy Goat in Greenville. Yum! I plan to eat a whole bunch of cheese, and not feel guilty about it at all. That's the beauty of your birthday.

Image found via here

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

She's One!

My niece, Ellana, turned 1 on May 1st. So for her first birthday, it got to be her golden birthday. We went up to Durham for her party. I haven't seen her since New Year's, and she is such a little doll. Seriously adorable.

She can do some sign language. She's watching her video here and doing "hat".

Listening to everyone singing to her.

Looking stylish.

Final group picture.

I love her!